Choose a die casting partner that engineers have a maximum success into your project design. Original Equipment Manufactures have no time to waste worrying about process failure, poor quality or unreliable products... More
Choose a die casting partner that offers complete tooling & Molding design & constriction. Successful die cast products start if design & construction of high quality tooling. In addition to die casting... More
Our die casting department with fully hydraulic automatic machines in various tonnages (from 160 tones up to 400 tones) is producing our parts. We pay your attention that all die cast machines... More
Get your casting machined & ready for assembly or installation.
Ordering machined casting saves time, labor, Manufacturing space, and inventory costs. Casting that are already machined... More
Choose a quality die casting partner registered at least to the ISO9001:2000 standards. Get dependable quality casting, value- added services and customer care. Sevan Gharb Co is proud to... More
Get Your Casting Completely Machined,assembled & ready for use.
Casting assembly Service Saves time , labor , and manufacturing space & inventory costs. Purchasing complete casting assemblies ... More